BigCommerce Social Media Integrations

In today's eCommerce, social media platforms are now part of your digital marketing strategy. When evaluating your eCommerce platform, making sure that the integrations are present is important. We all have a variety of formats and engagement methods in today's social media portfolio, where the right platforms will serve their role in bringing customers to your store and seeking out the products that you are promoting. Here we will discuss what is available, and how it can fit within your inboun
BigCommerce Social Media Integrations

In today's eCommerce, social media platforms are now part of your digital marketing strategy. When evaluating your eCommerce platform, making sure that the integrations are present is important. We all have a variety of formats and engagement methods in today's social media portfolio, where the right platforms will serve their role in bringing customers to your store and seeking out the products that you are promoting. Here we will discuss what is available, and how it can fit within your inbound marketing and drive promotions sales.

BigCommerce Integrations

There are various types of media to keep in mind like Instagram Feeds or YouTube video libraries. Your Social Commerce strategy usually comes with a balanced outlook and has different purposes and user flows. Facebook can add Facebook Messenger to your site to be reached, as well as Facebook Ads driving your inbound marketing. As of today, BigCommerce has a total of 39 Social Media integrations and tools to help with your digital marketing.

Critical Apps to consider

There are some Apps that make all the difference, such as Facebook Messenger. When it comes to conversions, being able to reach someone while picking out your products in the store can make all the difference. Instagram Feed is also a great tool to show customers the lifestyle of how the product operates in the ideal setting. YouTube's integrations for How-to's, Instructional and how the product performs, how it is serviced, and how it can be used - video is a very powerful tool.

Your Content Architecture and Social Media

For the right level of engagement on Social Media with products and services, your content albeit video media, blogs, landing pages, or FAQ needs to support your visitor when they arrive on your site. Social media is the place where you engage, provoke, demonstrate, and show off your products and services. It isn't the place where you provide the details such as specifications, or demonstrate the serviceability or usability and cover all of its qualities. This is why your content has to be organized so they educate and entice them further in wanting to purchase on your online store.

BigCommerce and user-generated content

According to BigCommerce, 90% of visitors feel that user-generated content has more influence than branded promotional content when it comes to a purchase decision. This is a significant component of your site's content architecture, and while it may seem complicated to collect and display there are tools ready to assist you.

Products Reviews Apps are the first place to start. The likes of YotPo or TrustPilot reviews can now be integrated and displayed on your site. You don't have to display every super-positive review, but show the fair reviews even if it shows some shortcomings in rare instances. The content will enhance the trust in the purchase, shipping experience, customer service dealings, and warranty experiences. All of these are post-sale events that will increase confidence for someone considering purchasing on the site. Therefore when coming over from social media and seeing the reviews, a stronger transition and positive build-up of the customer's intent to purchase are in place.

Instagram feeds integrated onto the site re-enforces the visuals of social media regardless of where the visitor originated from. If a user comes in from Facebook, seeing the Instagram feed allows them to browse and see more context of the product placement and experiences. Visual cues to complement promotional content, as well as product reviews, give an all-rounded appeal to the offering with a strong confidence factor for purchasing.

Video libraries are just as important when it comes to enhancing visuals. Your online store might be used for educational/support intent, as well as user-generated content libraries which extend from just images. While video titles can enhance your user-generated content for SEO purposes, they are limited in SEO, unlike Product Reviews which augment your SEO.


One could say that Social Media Platforms bring in a chaotic response when it comes to your funnel, however, if it is well structured, that "chaos" can be viewed as "diversity" which adds a greater appeal to a wider audience. However, while Instagram and YoutTube videos have the greater visual appeal, Product Reviews bring additional confidence and backing for the purchase experience. If you are unsure of your content strategy with your social media integration and require assistance in this regard, feel free to reach out to us at